Nuremberg 2.0 Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Corona Committee: Dismantle Every Institution

3 years ago

The Corona Committee was formed by four lawyers. It is conducting an evidence review of the Corona crisis and actions.

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Since mid-July 2020, the Corona Committee has been investigating in live sessions lasting several hours why the federal and state governments have imposed unprecedented restrictions as part of the coronavirus event and what consequences these have had and continue to have for people.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, experienced litigator with admission in Germany and California (USA) and co-founder of the Berlin Corona Committee, summarizes the committee's findings to date and takes stock of the interim results. This is the state of knowledge on which the Corona Committee builds in its weekly meetings.

The coronavirus events in Germany have now come to an almost complete standstill. A large number of studies have now shown that lethality and mortality have flu-like proportions. An overload of the health system has not even come close.
However, the government's corona measures, in particular the lockdown imposed in great panic, have caused massive social, psychological, health, cultural and economic collateral damage: millions of additional unemployed and short-time workers, companies in bankruptcy, excess mortality among the isolated elderly, poor health care for the population due to a large number of postponed surgeries
and out of fear of omitted visits to the doctor, increased suicides, large increase in child abuse, traumatization and "new" fear-filled social behavior of people. Many fundamental rights were and are still restricted on the basis of hastily enforced legal changes and the new applicable law empowers the governments of the federal and state governments to restrict civil rights if necessary even after the end of this pandemic, the democratic processes have been shortened and suspended (e.B. postponed elections). Our liberal democratic structures have been changed. Democracy has thus suffered great damage. Many people felt and still feel the measures as degrading and incapacitating.
It is now time for an objective and ruthless analysis of the overall events, including the state crisis management of the federal and state governments, among other things in order to be optimally prepared for future pandemics in the sense of a structured pandemic preparedness.
This also includes a balance sheet or interim balance of the damage that has occurred, which must be assigned to the virus or the prescribed measures. Time is of the essence because it can happen at any time that a virus event and/or suboptimal crisis management could lead to potentially avoidable damage and victims.

It is not possible to wait for the establishment of a parliamentary committee of inquiry, which experience has a longer lead
time. Therefore, since mid-July 2020, the Corona Committee has listened to experts and witnesses in weekly meetings on a variety of questions about the virus, crisis management and its consequences. In particular, the collateral damage of the lockdown, which has so far been poorly evaluated, was examined in more detail.
The sessions are chaired by lawyers with experience in
litigation. They are streamed live and remain available as a recording. Citizens can participate in the discussion by contributing to the discussion via chat and e-mail. The results of the committee's work until 23 August 2020 are summarised in an interim report. Further sessions will follow. An extensive final report with transcribed passages of the meetings and a rich collection of documents is in progress. All persons involved are committed to the principles of scientific evidence and are willing to conduct an objective discussion on the various topics without personal, scientific and economic conflicts of interest.

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