Tony McDade: A victim of her own testosterone-fueled mental illness, not transphobia

2 years ago

Transgender-identifying female Tony McDade killed another person as part of a larger vendetta against that person's mother. Following a social media rant in which she premeditated both the murder and her intentional suicide-by-cop ("because I don't want to be on Earth" she said in the video), McDade stabbed Malik to death, told another person to tell Malik's mother to "come pick up her son off the ground," and then pointed a gun at police, which had a predictable outcome.

It is a tragedy that McDade was not able or not willing to seek and obtain appropriate mental health treatment that may have prevented this, and an even bigger tragedy that McDade's victims were not kept safe from this violent person. Of all the things McDade's self-selected death was, an anti-trans or anti-black hate crime, it was not. In order to find a fourth person for their propaganda mural, the I Am Jazz producers decided to hold her up as some kind of hero, in order to persuade random citizens that this subculture is uniquely persecuted.

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