The Music Man Presents: Renaissance Lute Music. Inspirational, relaxing, mood 2 of 2. Background

3 years ago

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All of the recordings on this site are freely available - for you to download & listen, burn to CDs, share (eMail) to anyone, use in school assignments or as incidental music for plays, for software games, background music for period events (Renaissance fairs), Youtube videos, etc. In other words, none of this stuff is for sale. Please listen, enjoy and use as you will.

Also: Rights and copyrights for the recordings:
As stated above - all recordings on this site, may be downloaded and distributed free of charge. The recordings may be used for any purpose whatsoever:
To listen to the tunes, simply click the titles in the left column of the page
You should be able to either save, or just play any song that you'd like - by (if you're using a Windows PC):
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Also: Credits:

All parts performed by Jon Sayles - on either a Sakurai (1976) Classical Guitar, or a LoPrinzi concert classical guitar (which I bought on eBay!). I used a Korg D1600. with two condensor microphones for recording the individual tracks.
All of the songs (except unfortunately Revecy) use stereo mic'ng - which adds to the overall audio (Thanks largely to my brother-in-law Bill Hudak (Hebron, CT) - a very accomplished recording engineer, song-writer and musician for that tip).
And some thanks to those who shaped my playing...

English Continent area Music 15th century to 17th Century.

In this trembling shadow
John Dowland (1563 - 1626)

Queen Elizabeth's Galliard
John Dowland (1563 - 1626)

The Nite Watch
Anthony Holborne (1545 - 1629)

I goe before my darling
Thomas Morley (1557-1602)

It was a lover and his lass - 2 part
It was a lover and his lass - 3 part
Thomas Morley (1557-1602)

Nolo Mortem Peccatoris
Thomas Morley (1557-1602)

Pavana CLIII (153)
Thomas Morley (1557-1602)

Sacred Pavanne
Thomas Morley (1557-1602)

Sleep slumbering eyes
Thomas Morley (1557-1602)

I will no more come to three
Thomas Morley (1557-1602)

Hornpipe - from the Faerie Queene**
Henry Purcell (1658 - 1695

Love, thou are the best of Humane Joys
Henry Purcell (1658 - 1695)

Two In One Upon a Ground
Henry Purcell (1658 - 1695)

Aufzug - Entry Dance from "The Fairy Queen"
Henry Purcell (1658 - 1695)

In Nomine
John Taverner (1490 - 1545 )

The Eagle's Force
William Byrd (1540 - 1623)

Though Amaryllis Dance in Green
William Byrd (1540 - 1623)

Mirabile Mysterium
Vecchie Letrose
Adrian Willaert (1490-1562)

Mr. Southcoate's Pavin
Monsieur Lullere His Choice
Thomas Ford (1580 - 1648)

The Queen's Almain
Thomas Campion (1567-1620)

Lady Walsinghams Conceite
Daniel Bacheler (1572 - 1619)

Three Country Rounds
Thomas Ravenscroft (1582-1635)

Captain Dignore's Piper
John Dowland (1562-1626)

John Dowland (1562-1626)

Thomas Lupo (1571 - 1627)

The Woods So Wild
William Byrd (1659 - 1695)

Fairest Isle
Henry Purcell (1658 - 1695)

Virgo Gloriosa
Adrian Willaert (1490-1562)

Anthony Holborne (1545 - 1629)

La Caccia (The Chase)
Thomas Morley (~1557 - 1602)

William White (1571 -1634)

Where the Bee Sucks
Robert Johnson (1583 - 1634)

Pavan XXI
John Dowland (1562-1626)

The Nite Watch
Anthony Holborne (1545 - 1629 )

Loth to Depart
Giles Farnaby (1563 - 1640)

Robert White (1538 - 1574)

Full Fathom Five
Robert Johnson (1583 - 1634)

De la Tromba Pavin
Richard Allison (~1560 - 1610)

Richard Deering (1580 - 1630)

If Ye Love Me
Thomas Tallis (1505 - 1585)

My Bonnie Lass
Thomas Morley (~1557 - 1602)

Sancta Maria
John Dunstable (1390 - 1453)

Thomas Lupo (1571 - 1627)

The Flatt Pavin
John Johnson (1545- 1594)

Fantasia a 3
William Byrd (1540 - 1623)

Dance from the Nutcracker Suite
Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)

Peter Phillips (1560 - 1628)

Mon couer recommendezvous
Orlando Lasso (1532 - 1594)

We sing at pleasure
Thomas Weelkes (1576 - 1623)

Besides a fountain
Thomas Morley (1557-1602)

Melancholy Galliard
Queen Elizabeth's Galliard
John Dowland (1562-1626)

The teares of the muses
Anthony Holborne (1545 - 1629)

The messenger of the delightful spring
Francis Pilkington (1570 - 1638)

William Brade (1560 - 1630)

In pride of may
Thomas Weelkes (1575 - 1623)

Thomas Bateson (1570 - 1630)

Stanley Myers (1930 - 1993)

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