Liberty or License?

3 years ago

A MASK ON MAKES US DUMB. This is a sign against us. Wake up call from GOD is coming, and if you don’t listen, this is blasphemy. Translations of the Bible is helpful. GOD HIS WORD will correct itself,and as you study, you will know this. I speak of the error in the genealogy of Jesus in the first chapter of Matthew. Jesus was born human by Mary her genealogy is there, of her father, Joseph as the head of the family over Mary and he was heir to the throne of King David by Solomon. Mary married a Joseph born of Nathan (Luke3)., son of King David who was also heir to the throne of King David. I speak of Moses as being adopted into the Pharaohs circle of power. Our liberties are worth dying for, especially our ability to speak and share. We can be the sheep to get onto a train to death or fight for our freedom now. Under Hitler many did nothing to stop him. This shot and mask is a farce of fear to condition us into dictatorship. More is coming so we must stop it. I speak of the ludicrous laws that were made in the past, and what is so now in our laws, as going too far. We must use and support the use of our constitutional rights. What we ran from to start the USA came to reestablish itself here. Charles A Wiseman, “The Right to Travel”, is an author I recommend. Repentance is needed here in the USA, and I give my history. I speak of being a victim as a citizen of this kind of politics. Don’t wear a mask. NO service without a mask? Be an Ever Lasting Light of GOD under the GOD of Abraham. You don’t have make straight A s to serve GOD. I read Wisemans book. GOD gives us license. Don’t be a fool. Your liberty will be taken from you when you are not willing to fight to keep it. Keep the Sabbath Holy and obey GOD in the Holy Spirit. Rest on one day a week and worship GOD. I talk about the why for the Sabbath, not to work on that day. Adam violated GOD HIS one rule of not to do, and God revoked the license for an ever lasting life. King Solomons son did not honor his elders, and the license to be King was revoked. Our license to be free is being revoked for our disrespect of what we have inherited here. Malachi 3:6, GOD will return to who returns to HIM. Doctors are playing the slaveowner, now which is the Mark of the Beast coming. Can we stop this movement? Samuel Adams believed in God, and we need new promoters of freedom today to standup for what we have inherited here in the USA. The Right of Freedom is a gift from GOD. I will not become a slave voluntarily and neither should you.

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