CAAP Releases New Book: "There is no story more compelling... than being black in America."

3 years ago

"In the long arc of human history and oppression, there is no story more compelling than the long saga of being black in America. Black Americans have every reason to be proud people. But as I am a student of what has been, I also know what can be. Come and follow me. There is a path to the promised land." - Page 10-11 of A Dream Derailed, Bill Owen's new book.

Get your signed copy by Bill Owens by donating $100 dollars to CAAP for our work to promote faith and freedom in minority communities:

#CAAP #coalitionofafricanamericanpastors #billowens #mlk #martinlutherkingjr #deborahowens #mlkjr #adreamderailed

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