#Fortnite CH3 S1 - RecapRemix - 10 - MERRY... Wait. Can we still say CHRISTMAS, Mofunka?

3 years ago

Feature-Length Holiday Special (Premiere): Celebrating #Winterfest during Chapter 3: Season 1 of #Fortnite with hosts KysMofunka and NuttyKG.

Rought Cuts, Shopping Spree, Battle Pass Rewards Claims, Quest Completion, Sgt Winter, Holiday Presents, Supply Drops, Epic Chests, Red Nosed Rangers Dual Elimination, and 5x Battle Royale Victory matches (with 2x Crown Victory Royale wins).

#FortniteFlipped #ChillerGrenade #SnowballLauncher #BattleRoyale #CrownVictoryRoyale #VictoryRoyale

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