HL Hunley - The First Battle-Proven Submarine

3 years ago

The HL Hunley was the first military submarine to successfully sink an enemy ship. The submarine was invented during the American Civil War by Confederate engineers who were looking for a way get around the Union blockade. It was launched in 1864, with George Dixon commanding.

How brave these men of Hunley
Their names, in glory sown
More brave than all before them,
As they, faced the unknown
Yet all we have that`s left of them,
Is button, small and round.
If only she could speak to me
With gentle rolling sound

And talk she does, through history,
A page, now out of time.
Just a moment of adventure
For young men, in their prime.
They never knew just what they did,
Or how they altered war,
A feat, just so momentous
Be spoke of, evermore.

Their vessel now be in plain view,
This Hunley they did sail.
It cause the mind to wonder then,
Just how, in ship so frail.
Remember they who did this deed,
This day in Caroline.
The men who set the standard,
For now, and for all time



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