The Human Spirit's part in Personal Ministry / WWY hosting the LFMSR show

3 years ago

Watch and learn as Noe with Walk with Yah (WWY) gets a chance to host the Liberation Freedom Ministry Significant Revelation radio show on Love 860 am in Atlanta, GA.

This topic will be an expanded recent teaching on "The Human's Spirit part in Personal Ministry".

The Bible says that we are spirit first, soul second, and then body third. As humans we have tried to heal ourselves in the reverse order, our body first, our soul second, and our spirit last - if at all. Many people only know to deal with the body & soul. Now I’m not condemning them, I’m just saying a shift is needed. How many of you have ever given your human spirit any real consideration?

Should we limit our expectation of our human spirit to speaking in tongues? If our spirit has to be born again - then I suggest that we have to learn how to talk, see, hear, smell, and feel in the Spirit realm as well as in the physical earthly realm. Our human spirit knows things that our human soul doesn't know. Our human spirit is another part of us that is unexplored territory waiting to be discovered and utilized.

The point being is that our human spirit, like our soul & body, is also growing and sometimes may even need to be healed. Now of course the blood of Yeshua/Jesus can cleanse our spirit in much the same way He can cleanse our soul & body. Many people believe our human spirit is pure & spotless but I contend otherwise.

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Liberation Freedom Ministry

Significant Revelation

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