men going online w/ women emasculates them

3 years ago

accidentally stole a tube of chapstick
blast from the past
crazy attractive dude took me on a date but the sushi was the best part
trying not to look over there
the vortex experiences quite a bit with me
all that awkwardness for nothin
i make a striking impression on people
pretty much all women are the same
women's personalities are more predictable
eating leafy greens outta the thing
natural for me to stick chapstick in my pocket
don't have to tell em what i did since i didn't mean to do it
a time in my life when i totally meant to steal things
intentionally shoplifted many a time
i'm the last person in the world...
why women can traffick kids better than men
what they're doing to men they've been doing to women for a long time
women "empowered" by making terrible decisions
women are too gullible to question "solutions" thrown at us
women are essentially children (either 6 or 12)
men going online w/ women emasculates them
how do you un-brain wash people

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