2 years ago

Please go to our website ( and donate $8 a month or just donate $8 or more. Once you go to check out (on our website), sign up for a monthly $8 or more deduction (you must have a PayPal account to do the automatic deduction or you can email us and we will automatically bill you every month). We are hoping to sign up 100,000 individuals!!! has a wonderful shop where we have some of the best t-shirts money can buy please go to to see some of these great t-shirts. helps with veteran homelessness, employment, healthcare benefits, gold star families, mental health, and prison reform. Donate at our website today
or at our GoFundMe page:

My Base Guide, the Bible for a soldier and their family when they go to a new base and a defense contractor to boot, has strongly recommended Protect Our Veterans as a top charity giving us the highest gold medal recommendation. Check It out below. We are very proud we are recognized by these wonderful people!

Thirteen members of the United States military were tragically killed in Afghanistan by evildoers. We have taken to battle to keep the unrighteous out of America, but that battle does not end when the United States of America allows their soldiers to come home where they are treated as second-class citizens to illegal aliens. gives a voice to those who feel they are stuck in a rut and cannot get their voice heard. Can you donate today?

Help the people that kept you free. We are working hard to elect individuals who will never turn their backs on our soldiers and veterans again! U.S. veterans are entitled to disability compensation, pensions, employment assistance and other government benefits. But many veterans don’t receive every privilege they’re entitled to. advocates for anyone who has worn the red, white and blue! It is an absolute shame that a veteran could be homeless, unemployed, in need of mental health and medical attention, counseling as a gold star family, or help with getting the benefits they need. We care about the trials and tribulations of every veteran, especially with prison reform! There is no way an American soldier should be sitting in a jail cell when they have mental health issues when they come home from battle.

Money collected is spent supporting veteran’s causes. What do we mean by that? We try to give grants to veterans’ organizations. For example, there was a homeless camp next to a VA in California. We heard about it and found out they needed $30,000 to get individuals places to stay. We gave them $50,000 to get them running because we were impressed with a young attorney who was trying to help these veterans get on their feet. We are ecstatic to report the money went to good use.

Our campaign in August bought six group homes, those group homes took veterans off the street. The upkeep is quite expensive. Paying staff to run the home and paying for gas, electric, oil, or what have you, is quite costly, but We have to rely on donations to keep us alive.
Due diligence is done before we spend monies to help certain organizations. The problems for veterans are vast. When you donate, you will know that your donation is going to the right place.

We do phone banks on the weekends and we have individuals selling T-shirts and such to help us. We had a company running our website, but we were paying almost $400 to run the website and online store, which we could do for ourselves for $30. We put our problem out to the veterans’ community and our problem was solved almost instantaneously. I am very pleased to report our website is expanding almost on a daily basis. Our online store should be completed by the weekend.

Our eventual goal is to open up a camp in New Hampshire that veterans will spend time in the spring, summer, and fall cabins where individuals can try to leave the battlefield behind. In the winter, we are hoping to do the cabins and integrate winter sports into the healing process. We vision psychologists and counselors setting up several workshops to help veterans.

Lastly, we do spend capital supporting politicians who believe in veteran’s causes and are a veteran themselves or from a family of veterans. We are trying to get as much influence as possible as an organization, nearly a year old, to be a big player when veteran’s legislation comes up for votes on the state and federal levels. Look at a representative like Louie Gohmert, who immediately went to visit LTC Stu Scheller. How do you not support politicians like that? A politician who stands up for an American soldier and doesn’t try to chastise him for telling the truth!

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