An Iranian Perspective on Tyranny

3 years ago

I really enjoyed this interview with Shima. As Americans, and especially Tennesseans, it is easy to find comfort in what we've known of freedom for quite sometime and lose the ability to look objectively in the face of what can quickly become tyranny.

We have allowed so much to happen over this past year and too many of us have simply accepted what some call a new normal. But Shima's perspective should cause a great deal of introspection in terms of what freedom means to us. Having been forced to wear a hijab as a young girl growning up in Iran, forced masking brought instant fear of losing the freedoms that she enjoys as an American.

One of the most chilling statements was how after the revolution in Iran, many people stayed silent and "waited" for things to go back to normal. That was 42 years ago.

Pay attention Tennessee.

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