Antifa Revealed: The Footage they Don't Want You to See

3 years ago

The media spent a year pretending Antifa wasn't violent. They spent a year pretending cities weren't burning. They spent a year pretending "Anti-Fa" wasn't a violent revolutionary front. Who are you going to believe? The media or your own lying eyes? We have the footage google doesn't want you to find. If you sit down and take a long cold logical look at the actions of “Antifa” you start to realize something: Antifa is a Fascist revolutionary front. Yes, the big lie of Antifa, the big lie no one in the media wants to confront, is that this band of street thugs and campus radicals who CLAIM to be opposed to Fascism are in FACT using all the classic tactics of Fascism. Be afraid, be very afraid. Denial is insanely dangerous. Ignoring reality, telling ourselves it can't get worse, or "it" can't happen again, is a recipe for disaster.

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