14 foods to avoid when trying to lose weight{weight loss}

3 years ago

The foods you eat can have a major effect on your weight. Some foods, like full-fat yogurt, coconut oil and eggs, help with weight loss. Other foods, especially processed and refined products, can make you gain weight. Not all calories are created equal. Different foods go through different metabolic pathways in your body. They can have vastly different effects on your hunger, hormones and the number of calories you burn.

Lots of experts say it's stupid to forbid yourself from eating certain foods — that denying yourself something you really want to eat can ultimately lead to binge eating and eventual weight gain. So dessert isn't on this list — it's OK to indulge sometimes! But some foods really do deserve the ax — especially if you are trying to lose weight. In which case, avoid these foods (when you can!) to fend off cravings and hunger, and support your efforts to slim down.

The average adult gains one pound per year, and this steady weight creep may be directly related to what (and not just how much) you eat, according to a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Researchers analyzed data collected over 20 years from more than 120,000 U.S. men and women who were not obese and were free of chronic diseases, and identified a number of specific foods linked to weight gain — or weight loss.

Eating just one additional daily serving of French fries led to a 3.35-pound weight gain over a four-year period, the study found, while adding yogurt to your diet was linked to a 0.82-pound loss over the same timeframe. The findings further fuel the theory that little diet tweaks can have a big impact on your weight — the average participant gained 16 pounds during the course of the study — and overall health.

This suggests that the path to eating fewer calories is not simply to count calories, but to focus on consuming a more healthy diet in general. Also important: Rounding out a healthy diet with smart lifestyle choices. The study found that weight gain also occurred among those who slept less than 6 or more than 8 hours, who watched the most TV, and who drank the most alcohol.

The truth, experts say, is that even when you're "on a diet," you may be eating a lot more calories than you think. There's often a disconnect between what we know we should do to lose weight, and what we actually do while trying to diet.

For starters, stop thinking about dieting. Instead, take a look at those everyday habits that could be causing weight gain. Going on a diet can create an obsession with food, heighten cravings, and lead to a "throw-in-the-towel-because-diets-don’t-work" mentality.

you might not realize just how quickly calories can add up. An extra tablespoon of salad dressing can add 75-100 calories, an extra tablespoon of butter adds 102 calories, and that 1-ounce bag of chips with your sandwich at lunch adds 162 calories. Eating while cooking, starting each day with a high-calorie coffee drink, finishing off the kids' plates at dinner, or having one too many glasses of wine -- these are just a few of the sneaky habits that sabotage weight loss efforts.

Yet as quickly as calories can add up, they can be subtracted. Becoming mindful of your diet mistakes -- the subtle ways that calories sneak into your diet throughout the day – can add up to real weight loss

in summary, it is always better to control ones weight so that it will not become uncontrollable. Minding of diet and what to eat is quite very necessary and significant. Therefore, it is important to prevent weight gain than to think about weight loss.

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