FLCCC Weekly Update Jan. 5, 2022: New Large Brazilian Ivermectin Prophylaxis Study Results

3 years ago

Dr. Lucy Kerr and dr. Flavio Cadegiani present the results of their excellent new large observational study on the effect of prophylaxis with ivermectin on all cause mortality and all cause hospitalization.

It's of great importance that they look at the results for all causes, not just for one specific disease where the statistics are easily manipulated and miss the central point. The point of using a medicine or therapy is to reduce your chances of getting sick or dying in general. If a medicine or therapy reduces your chances of getting a specific disease, but increases your chances of dying, that's a bad deal. This is exactly what the experimental COVID shots are doing, as shown last week:


In sharp contrast to the experimental COVID injections, this study shows once again that ivermectin IS working as desired, especially for the high risk group, which is the group who really needs the help.

Another great point from the Brazilian study, is that ALL the research data are available to anyone who wishes the analyze it. This shows that the researchers have nothing to hide. In sharp contrast, NONE of the research data from the jabs are publicly available, and the FDA is fighting tooth and nail to keep them locked up for 75 years. This shows the data are very bad. If the data were good, they'd be happy to release all data immediately and inspire trust among all those pesky vaccine hesitant people.

This study clearly shows a strong dose-response relationship: the more ivermectin you use cumulatively, the less chance you have of needing to require hospital and dying. (There is of course a limit to this: you can't have a lower chance of dying or going to hospital than 0.) This dose-response relationship is clear proof that ivermectin is the cause and not just a coincidence.

The RCT fundamentalists will ignore this study, because it is not a randomized controlled trials (RCT), which they consider to be the 'gold standard'. They're wrong. See also the study by Cochrane which showed that large observational studies come to the same conclusion as RCT's:

'Healthcare outcomes assessed with observational study designs compared with those assessed in randomized trials'

Of course, the captured authorities will ignore this study because ivermectin is off-patent and therefore not profitable. If ivermectin were on-patent, it would have been recommended ages ago as the new 'wonder drug'. The policies of the 'health' authorities in most parts of the world show without any doubt that it's not about public health and not about 'the science', but about 'the profit', 'the control', 'the dogma', 'the ego' and 'the ideology'.

This study has not been published yet, but once it has, the behavior from the authorities and media will be very predictable: there will be crickets. Notice the sharp contrast how a mere press report for Merck's highly profitable drug molnupiravir gets huge attention for days, even though it is much less effective, significantly more dangerous, and enormously more expensive.

Dr. Kerr also has other great news: ivermectin is not only safe and effective for COVID, but also for prevention and treatment of many other diseases, such as diabetes and auto-immune disease. It also replaces medicines which are less effective and/or have more negative side-effects, such as corticosteroids.

A fantastic property of ivermectin is that it has an enormous therapeutic index: you can dramatically increase the dose without the medicine becoming toxic. Even 10 times the normal therapeutic dose is no problem.

In Brazil, doctor still have full autonomy on how to treat their patients, whilst in many other parts of the world, the government has taken away that autonomy and want all doctors to follow the same protocol that is ineffective, toxic, and highly profitable to the pharmaceutical industry.

Watch as four leading doctors—Dr. Kory, Dr. Marik, Dr. Kerr, and Dr. Cadegiani—discuss definitive results from the largest study of IVM in COVID-19, proving it an unequivocal public health game changer. Plus, the docs discuss the ever present omicron variant and answer important questions from participants.

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SOURCE: https://odysee.com/FLCCC-WEBINAR-010522_FINAL:bdae5e40aa2653647d1cd6cf958f335171f98e41

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