3 years ago



The story begins in 1983 with Dr. Robert B. Strecker, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Strecker practices internal medicine and gastroenterology in Los Angeles. He is a trained pathologist and holds a Ph.D. in pharmacology. Dr. Strecker and his brother, Ted, an attorney, were preparing a proposal for a health maintenance organization (HMO) for the Security Pacific Bank of California. They needed to know the long-term financial effects of insuring the treatment of AIDS patients. In as much as this information was not readily available in 1983, both brothers began researching the medical literature to learn what they could about this relatively new disease. The information they uncovered right from the beginning was so startling to them, so hard to believe, that it would dramatically alter both their lives and lead them on a five-year quest culminating with the creation of "The Strecker Memorandum," the most controversial video of our time and a remarkable set of documents called "The Bio-Attack Alert."

“The ‘Patient Zero’ theory was a hoax and diversion, as is the publicity campaign surrounding it that diverts from the massive evidence and common sense that says my Special Virus Cancer Program thesis is the only legitimate scientifically-valid explanation for the emergence of HIV-AIDS–the unprecedented leukemia-lymphoma-sarcoma cancer complex
‘model’–on three far removed continents simultaneously during the mid 1970s.

To prove why Haitians should not be blamed for AIDS, Horowitz published the International Association for Research in Cancer (IARC) chart below. This he reprinted in his monumental text, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional? It proves the Special Virus Cancer Program extended to Haiti. The same cancer contractors active in New York City supplying cancer viruses and experimental animals were active in Haiti. French speaking nurses in Haiti were solicited to be part of the earliest hepatitis B vaccine trials according to reputable sources.

Suddenly, from among thousands of volumes, the words Special Virus Cancer Program flew up into my face. I had seen those words in the funding acknowledgment sections of Gallo’s early publications with Litton Bionetics. But when I searched for those Special Virus Cancer Program records, they could not be found. They had been ‘disappeared’ from all the library catalogs.

“In that miraculous moment I reached down, picked up the book, and happened to open it to the first page of Litton Bionetics’ report to the National Cancer Institute.

“‘I think I found what I am looking for.’ I yelled across the expansive floor to the angry librarian. I then took the texts to the photocopying machine and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening photocopying the books.

AIDS Document Submitted To US Government By Dr. Robert B. Strecker

Special Virus Cancer Program – Must Reading for Cancer Researchers

Dr. Robert Strecker was America's first well-credentialed AIDS-origin whistleblower opposing the plaque's political imposition. His pioneering Strecker Memorandum records a scholarly presentation of research into early genetic engineering studies mutating viruses under U.S. Government and National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants.

Strecker unearthed unfathomable biotechnology experiments from which he concluded that HIV/AIDS sourced from bovine leukemia and sheep visna viruses recombined to create cancer triggers. His scholarly thesis, albeit suppressed and disparaged for missing the “chimpanzee-link,” was heavily attacked by media agents protecting government and industry culprits. Strecker shined the first light on the risks to public health from secret virus cancer experiments.

Robert Strecker was not alone, and it is unknown what, if any, influence he gained from his East German predecessor, Dr. Jakob Segal. Segal, and his supportive Soviet wife Lilly, were alienated and defamed similarly by Western presses when they drew attention to the man-made origin of AIDS theory. Their classic disparagement can be read here , as published by “Sage journals”–the founding member of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA). That yellow press was discredited for relying on the Journal of International Medical Research and “a false and intentionally flawed paper created and submitted by a reporter for the journal Science. That scandal demonstrated how severely corrupted the world of medical science has become, tainted by pseudoscience and propaganda to infect the mass mind and maintain the medical status quo to aid-and-abet petrochemical-pharmaceutical genocide.

Accordingly, my corroboration of Strecker’s, Cantwell’s and Segal’s conclusions is backed by the shocking experiments detailed in the 425-page Special Virus Cancer Program 1972 publication. This government-secreted text explains how and why these kinds of “special viruses” were manufactured and distributed. And they especially
incriminate the vaccine industry.

“It was all done under a hush-hush program,” I explained in an earlier publication. “The scientific publications prove the simultaneous hepatitis B experiments were conducted in New York City, Central Africa, and apparently Haiti too, during the early 1970s. And these facts best explain the occurrence of what Dr. Gerald Myers –the leading expert in HIV/AIDS phylogeny–called the ‘Big Bang Theory.’ This chief of the special AIDS project for the U.S. Government’s Los Alamos Laboratory corroborated my discoveries and thesis, that the sudden and simultaneous emergence of several strains of HIV around the world by the mid 1970s resulted from the secreted Special Virus Cancer Program
lab experiments.

I reviewed more than 2,500 scientific reports and government documents, some obtained through the Freedom of Information
Act, to assess dozens of viral vaccine studies. The chief suspects emerged from the network of military and pharmaceutical industry scientists working for the Merck Drug Co., Litton Bionetics, and the Southwest Foundation, as shown in the Special Virus Cancer Program text (available for sale here). My 3-year investigation, corroborating Strecker’s, Cantwell’s, and Segal’s concerns, is documented in the 592-page Emerging Viruses book.

A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret History of Chemical and Biological Warfare by Robert Harris (Goodreads Author), Paxman

opens with the first devastating battlefield use of lethal gas in World War I, and then investigates the stockpiling of biological weapons during World War II and in the decades afterward as well as the inhuman experiments con-ducted to test their effectiveness. This updated edition includes a new Introduction and a new final chapter exposing frightening developments in recent years, including the black market that emerged in chemical and biological weapons

Robert Gallo The Man That Created AIDS

However, the first endorsement on the back cover is from Prof. Luc Montagnier, the medical researcher who won a Nobel Prize for discovering
the HIV virus in 1984, and he writes: “Tragically for humanity, there are many, many untruths emanating from Fauci and his minions.
RFK Jr. exposes the decades of lies.” Moreover, we are told that as far back as the San Francisco International AIDS Conference of June 1990,
Montagnier had publicly declared “the HIV virus is harmless and passive, a benign virus.”

Perhaps this Nobel Laureate endorsed the book for other reasons and perhaps the meaning of his striking 1990 statement has been misconstrued.
But surely the opinion of the researcher who won a Nobel Prize for discovering the HIV virus should not be totally ignored in assessing its possible role.

As Kennedy explains, three additional science Nobel Laureates have also expressed similar public skepticism for the conventional
HIV/AIDS narrative, one of them being Kary Mullis, the renowned creator of the revolutionary PCR test.

If almost half of Kennedy’s book argued that HIV/AIDS was a medical media hoax and his harshest critics refused to challenge him
on that score, any fair-minded reader must surely begin to
suspect that at least some of the author’s remarkable claims were probably correct.

One of the major scientific heroes in Kennedy’s account is Prof. Peter H. Duesberg of Berkeley. During the 1970s and 1980s, Duesberg had been widely
regarded as among the world’s foremost virologists, elected to the prestigious National Academy of Sciences at age 50, making him one of its youngest
members in history. As early as 1987 he began raising serious doubts about the HIV/AIDS hypothesis and highlighting the dangers of AZT, eventually
publishing a series of journal articles on the subject that gradually won over many others, including Montagnier. In 1996 he
published Inventing the AIDS Virus, a massive 712 page volume setting forth his case, with the Foreword provided by Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis, the
renowned inventor of PCR technology and himself another leading public critic of the HIV/AIDS hypothesis. Duesberg even underscored the confidence
of his HIV skepticism by offering to be injected with HIV-tainted blood.

But rather than openly debate such a strong scientific opponent, Fauci and his allies blacklisted Duesberg from receiving any government funding,
thereby wrecking his research career, while also vilifying him and pressuring others to do the same. According to fellow researchers quoted by Kennedy,
Duesberg was destroyed as a warning and an example to others. Meanwhile, Fauci deployed his influence to have his critics banned from the major
national media, ensuring that few outside a narrow segment of the scientific community ever even became aware of the continuing controversy.

One of Duesberg’s central claims was that the disease known as “AIDS” didn’t actually exist, but was merely the official label attached to a
group of more than two dozen different illnesses, all of which had a variety of different causes, with only some of these being infectious agents.
Indeed, most of these illnesses had been known and treated for many decades, but they were only designated “AIDS” if the victim was also found
to test positive for the HIV virus, which probably had nothing to do with the condition.

In support of their contrary position, the authors noted that the various groups at high risk for “AIDS” only tended to get particular versions of the
disease, with the “AIDS” suffered by hemophiliacs usually being very different from the “AIDS” of African villagers and only slightly overlapping
with the diseases of gay men or intervenous drug addicts. Indeed, the pattern of “AIDS” in Africa seemed utterly divergent from that in the developed
world. But if all these different illnesses were actually caused by a single HIV virus, such completely divergent syndromes would seem
puzzling anomalies, difficult to explain from a scientific perspective.

In 2009, a half-dozen years after the publication of that lengthy article, an independent film-maker named Brent Leung produced a 90 minute
documentary on AIDS, strongly sympathetic to Duesberg’s thesis, and someone recently brought it to my attention. There is a great paucity of
pro-Duesberg material, so although I only rarely find videos useful sources of information, this case was an important exception. The film
highlighted the tremendous inconsistencies of the orthodox scientific position, and also included important interviews with Duesberg,
Mullis, Fauci, and numerous other key researchers and journalists on all sides of the debate.

by Peter H Duesberg and Bryan J Ellison

What Causes AIDS
Charles A Thomas, Kary B Mullis and Phillip E Johnson

Inventing the AIDS virus
by Peter Duesberg foreword by Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis

Not the least of these are Bill Gates, who has monopolized healthcare and has tried to buy off the media, and Anthony Fauci,
who is known for having killed nearly 200,000 HIV patients with the toxic drug AZT.

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