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From My Heart to Yours
From My Heart to Yours
Thank you, Jesus, for the beautiful family You have given me in these listeners. I will never stop counting my blessings through all of you who have been with me and been so supportive through thick and thin.
The Lord and I were looking back on all the years I have been with you. We have certainly gone through a lot of changes together ... and some of you have stuck around because you believed that Jesus was truly giving me instruction, not just for me, but for you as well. He has led me out of some very hard places through the years and I have had to do my best to be honest with you. In my earlier message you heard how tender and loving He is with me and how we even danced we still do. I hope any barriers of shame or guilt that you have had over the sins you have repented of, I hope it has all been washed away by seeing how wonderful He is with me.
Well, the Lord has asked me to share my heart with you.
We have been through so much since 2014, and my mission has remained the same but moving forward and training others to hear from the Lord and embrace all the graces He offers us to live a life of holiness. I cannot boast of having accomplished that, but I can boast of God's patience and forgiveness towards me. At least I know what He is asking of us in personal holiness, and I can share that with you.
When I began on You Tube, the Lord asked me to come to you as a secular person, and not share my life as a Franciscan sister with you. That was hard for me, but I could see the wisdom in it. So, after many years of just sharing with you what the Lord was saying and doing to raise me up, I believe many of you came to trust that I truly was hearing from God.
You see I was a Spirit filled, Bible believing evangelical for seven years and was very disillusioned that the Jesus in the Scriptures, was not the same Jesus being taught in churches. I was too caught up in materialism, selfish ambition and worldliness. I knew I was not walking in holiness. All that changed when I spent some time in the Catholic Church, very much in love with Jesus through the example of St. Francis of Assisi, which was introduced to me by John Michael Talbot's music, which really captured my heart and my dream about being a Christian.
His music talked about humility, simplicity, making do with less and not being caught up in the world forever wanting and never being satisfied. His music witnessed to my soul, that there was a way to live like the real Jesus, even in this twenty-first century. My heart longed for that, I hated my materialistic and shallow ways. I wanted the real raw first century Christianity. I wanted to stop being so self-serving, constantly looking to better my life but with the things of the world, not Jesus.
At that time, I determined that if life without the preoccupations of the world would set me free for Jesus and His agenda to be my all, I would truly be happy. So, I set out to break away from the vanities of the world and be only occupied with Him. And how wonderful and amazing and liberating was that decision.
I could see that the contemporary Catholic institution was too bound up in the world, so I began to research the Early Church in Jerusalem and Antioch, the first century, and came to the decision that I would do my best to go back to that simplicity without all the institutional trappings and posturing.
So, I lived as a Third Order Franciscan mother with four children, as best I could, running around in a gray habit, and taking care of my four little blessings. I lost many, many things including the father of my children, but the liberation I felt was beyond wonderful and I never regretted leaving the world. Now, during that time, I learned about St. Francis and the extraordinary humility, and miracles that were done through his prayers. I saw the image of Jesus in the way he lived and I wanted that with all my heart. Nothing of the world remained in St. Francis of Assisi, he came from nobility and abandoned it all for the holiness of Heaven and living as closely as possible to the example, to the example of Jesus, and even St. Paul.
Now I remembered a point where I said, "Well, what about Mary and the Catholic Church? How does that figure into this way of life?" And I discovered, by the grace of God that Francis was able to live this extreme holiness because of his relationship with the Blessed Virgin, not in spite of it. So, I applied myself to discover who she was, and it was soon brought home to me that she was merely a mother who loved the people of the world enough to offer her only son for them, and to consistently teach everyone, do whatever He tells you. That is from John 2:2, at the Wedding of Cana.
Dear family, it was her prayers that made the difference for me. Her intercession helped me get over the raging avarice I had. Her example of lowliness also helped me to see the futility in being well thought of, highly regarded, or honored by man. It totally reinforced the way Jesus handled the world and people of the world that were constantly posturing and seeking to get higher. Worldly ambition became my enemy, and childlike simplicity became my model.
So, when the Lord told me to begin to share His messages on You Tube, I was excited and spent the first few lessons on the abuses in the churches, all denominations, which I called 'Wounding Waters', because churches are meant to be a place of healing waters, but so many walk away wounded.
I really longed to tell you about my journey and how it changed me, but I knew I would turn you off, so I just continued to post the Lord's lessons to us and gave it time so that you could come to trust that it truly is Jesus speaking to me. After many years, many of you dear ones, came to trust in the messages. And when it was His time, He told me to introduce His mother to you.
At that time a lady by the name of Jackie, who spoke German, copied one our titles, Love Letters to My Bride, and began presenting the messages in her own voice, but editing out the highly controversial Blessed Mother teachings from our Lord. Please be careful, the teachings of Jacob Lorber are not Scriptural. She has also used our registered trade name, Heartdwellers on YouTube channel, to present heretical teachers. Please do not be confused dear ones, our website is, and I cannot vouch for any other name.
In any case, I introduced His mother's role in as delicate a way as possible, totally from Scripture, and lost half my following. Well, probably two-thirds. I knew that would happen, but I did not care, I was there to preach the truth does not court the favor of man so I could have donations and subscribers and whatever. It was very hard seeing so many leave. It reminds me very much of when Jesus' disciples left because He talked about His flesh being true food, His blood being true drink. Well, we were up to 20,000 viewers, which dropped down to maybe four or five thousand. Then we were kicked off YouTube, overnight. That was another trauma, but we managed to find and stay on Vimeo. Now we are on Rumble, Bit Chute, Brighteon, and You Tube as well. If you look for us on You Tube, you will find us under Heart underscore Dwellers. Current videos are not on Vimeo, only these other venues.
Always the truth as I know it, as it has been given to me. What inspired me to leave the New Age was truth. I knew that I was not walking in truth. With all my heart I wanted truth. My greatest desire in the beginning was that you would not follow the New Age. That is why I was so blunt in my presentations. Now the New Age has come into its season and is leading so many astray, and several people are upset with me because Jesus taught us that reincarnation is not truth. Quoting the Scriptures, it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this judgment. That is Paul writing in Hebrews 9:27 And as a result I have lost many in Eastern European countries, but better to lose them than to live a lie and teach a lie. I used to believe in reincarnation whole heartedly, so I understand their passion, but because I believed, I aborted a precious child thinking he would come back when I was ready to have children. There are so many serious things that go wrong with reincarnation.
Dear ones, I have very good reasons for insisting on teaching the truth as I have been shown by Jesus and not mix any New Age practices. Please if you are doing that, please forsake them. Those who have a prophetic call on their lives are prone to be lured into the New Age, especially if they do not feel comfortable in main line Christianity, but if they would abandon these lies, God would call them to a much higher purpose.
Dear family, I knew that the Blessed Mother and the Eucharist or Communion, had transformed my life. I knew that I never could pull away from the world by staying in a worldly church. All I wanted was to fulfill the vision I had when I first became a Christian, leading a very raw, evangelical poverty way of life and ministering with Jesus along the dusty roads of life.
Most ministers are taught to hide their vices and failures, but I had to boast in the grace of God that was saving and transforming me. In order to do that, you just had to know how bad I really was. And that is why I have been gut honest with you.
Now I am going to let you in on a little secret. Jesus is coming back to rule and reign on this Earth, and He is bringing His mother, His saints and His angels with Him. There will be no more slander of His mother. All will plainly see what her role is, and they will honor her. "All generations shall call me blessed." That is what is written in the Scriptures. This will happen during the millennium. However, Jesus is giving you a head start in understanding who she is because YOU NEED HER INTERCESSION.
Times are tragic and volatile, and the forces of Satan are more now than they have ever been, Nibiru is home to many of them and it is approaching Earth as the destroying planet. You need the strength of the real Body and Blood of Jesus, and you need His mother's prayers for you. These are the controversial things I have been given to share with you and if you know that the Lord speaks to me, you also need to seriously put down hundreds of years of lies and prejudices against the early church practices of asking for intercession from the Great Cloud, and receiving the real Body and Blood of Jesus, for strength every day.
So, you see my very dear ones, I have been commissioned to bring you the whole truth about your Christian faith, leaving nothing out, so you may be fully equipped. You are far ahead of most Christians when you examine Mary in the Scriptures and realize the role she plays legitimately, at the appointment of God.
There is a very good reason why people turn to Mary's intercession, she has a proven track record. They have come to her when things seemed hopeless and God has not answered their prayers, so they ask her to ask Him. Is that not any different than you going to a well-known evangelist and asking for his prayers for you?
Of course not, but Satan being the slime ball he is, found a slippery way to turn you off to Mary. He accused you of worshipping idols and statues. How absurd, in Exodus we are told not to worship idols, but where does it say that you cannot have a statue or work of art to adorn the temple. In fact, immediately after giving that command God, commands them to adorn the temple.
In Exodus 36 Moses is instructed to have images of cherubim woven into the curtains of the tabernacle.
And in 37 statues of cherubim were constructed and overlaid with gold on the mercy seat.
Then in First Kings 7 They made a Sea of water holding cleansing waters that stood on twelve oxen, three facing north, three west, three south, and three east. The Sea rested on them, with all their hindquarters toward the center.
And the bronze stands had lions, and cherubim and palm trees engraved upon them.
So, you see, the Lord did not prohibit decorations in the form of animals and angels and trees, no he condemned the likenesses of demons and the idols they represented. And worshipping these images, made them worship idols.
So, a statue of the Blessed Mother is not an idol, it is a remembrance of her in the form of a statue, which is never worshipped. Don't you keep photos of your family on the wall? Do you worship them? Of course not, they are only reminders of who your precious family members are, and statues of people like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, do we worship those? No, they remind us of they way God worked through those souls, and the founding of our country.
But this is how Satan deceived men into condemning Mary. It had nothing to do with worship, it was only her honor as an intercessor they attacked. The very same intercessor Jesus Christ had as a child.
Good grief, if Jesus allowed her to pray for Him, why should we turn her away? This is just a big messy soup of lies that people repeat because they are parroting teachers who were in error.
So, you go to Sunday school and they tell you Catholics are idol worshippers. You believe that for the rest of your life without looking into the Scriptures or the teachings of the church. As a result of that, you lose the intercession of Jesus' own mother. I just finished a five-part teaching on this subject, and there is another older one, with seven parts, coming totally from Scripture. You can always go to and use the search engine and it will bring them all up. Soon we hope to have playlists on our venue so you can find the topics that interest you.
Well, now I have brought you up to speed. But I want to say this, if God has called you to truth, sooner or later you will discover the role of the Great Cloud of Witnesses, and Mary's intercession. The Lord has called me to present her to you so that you can embrace this wonderful friend and receive her well placed influence with Jesus. Did He not say, Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come. That is John 2:4, when they ran out of wine at the wedding feast in Cana. Dear family, have you run out of wine in your life?
Are things not as they used to be between you and Jesus? Are you longing to go deeper into His Heart and live a life on fire just for Him? I know what that feels like, I have been there, and it was her intercession that helped me leave myself behind and embrace Him with all my heart. Holy Spirit is her spouse, He will get the message to her. Just ask, "Mother of Jesus, would you pray for me, and ask Jesus to turn my water into wine?"
Now I have brought all of this up to you to share the perspective of the past seven years in public ministry. I respect and value all of you and I know that there have been many attacks against the teachings the Lord has given me, so I just wanted to take a minute and share the bottom line with you. I hope and pray that you will measure everything I have shared with you against the living Word of God. I do not want you to follow me, I want you to follow Jesus, and in this climate of the end times it is becoming more and more challenging to do just that.
So, I have shared with you the two secrets of my life in being able to leave the world behind and count it as nothing. A mother's heart for her son, Jesus, has formed my heart as well ...after all we do not live in a single parent family...she has all the tenderness of her spouse, the Holy Spirit, yet is only a human being created by God, just as we are, but she has tremendous understanding of what her Son requires, and has great influence as well.
As a fundamentalist, I was kind of hard core- I would embarrass you, for sure-You know, the Bible on the desk between me and anyone who was inquiring about Jesus? Mary taught me to embrace Him with my heart, and not just my intellect, and how to love others as Jesus commanded us to...namely being unconditional in our love for others. I did not have that as a fundamentalist, it only came when I got to know Jesus' mother, and the whole tone of my walk with the Lord changed from being hard and insistent, to being gentle and caring and leaving the conversion of souls up to the Holy Spirit.
So here we are together, following the way, the truth and the life with Jesus and the entire family of God. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your encouragement, and I pray that we can continue to grow and walk in the grace of our Lord, understanding the times, the pitfalls and the lies of the enemy and breaking through them through the word of God. Amen
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