Children in Classrooms Indoctrinated to Marxism | Stealing Innocent Minds

3 years ago

Twisting your children's minds in their classrooms and converting them to a horrible way of thinking and believing without your consent!

Mel K visits with David & Stacy Whited, The Fly Over Conservatives about the atrocities happening in your childrens schools, and many parents have no clue!

This is a critical time in your childs life; this is not a time to think about what's convinient; you must act now and do what's best for your child.

Both liberals and conservatives agree on a few things today! They are united in wondering if their children are better off being raised like jungle kids "Mowgli" than being indoctrinated in the extreme "critical race theory" "marxism" currently being taught in schools accross America?

Consider that, to obtain or keep a teaching licenses, teachers must indoctrinate students in critical race theory, destructive lies about sex and gender, and other mind poison.

The rules make clear, far from being places where children will learn the three R’s and objective truths, there is now a reinforcement of what schools already were: propaganda mills that instill and twist children with lies, including those engendering moral depravity and hatred for America.

School boards accross America require teachers to show that they “embrace and encourage progressive viewpoints and perspectives.”

The rules state that all teaching must be infused with far left “falsehoods about race and sex, and actively discriminate based on religion, viewpoint, and race.”

The NEW STANDARDS require teachers to:

• Directly oppose and undermine the concept of objective truth: “Understand and value … that there is not one ‘correct’ way of doing or understanding something, an exercise in forcing children to affirm two contradictory things, the requirements are extremely dogmatic, not open to any other “way of doing or understanding something.”

• Treat themselves and students as a determined product of their race, sex, and sexual behavior….

• Believe and preach cultural Marxist identity politics: “Assess … how they access tools to mitigate their own bigoted behavior, racism, sexism, homophobia, unearned privilege, Eurocentrism, etc.”

• Agree the U.S. is systemically racist and “work actively against these systems.”

• Support different behavior standards based on race: “Know and understand how a system of inequity creates rules regarding student punishment that negatively impacts students of color.”

• Engage in and support cultural Marxist activism….

• Push students into leftist activism: “support and create opportunities for student advocacy and representation in the content and classroom” and “create a risk-taking space that promotes student activism and advocacy.”

• Introduce and promote adult sex behaviors and gender identity confusion: “Implement and integrate the wide spectrum and fluidity of identities in the curriculum.”

The kicker: eliminate the requirement that teachers demonstrate learning any subject matter, now it’s only full-bore left-wing indoctrination in the new way they are to think & be!

Two options to save your children:

Remove your child from school immediately, and either home school or find a private school that teaches the good ole fashioned way only better! It's much easier than you think.

Or, meet with other like-minded parents and take action against the current school board system, fight like hell to run the new Satanic system completely out of all schools!

Best of luck- your children deserve so much more!

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Critical Race Theory, Racism, Sexual Confusion, Sexism, Marxism,

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