Jesus Teaches Us How to Think Critically

3 years ago

Thinking critically is essential when making decisions, and of course, Jesus teaches us exactly how to do that!

The enemy's preferred method to attack us is with a distortion of God's Word, but Jesus makes us the Promise that if we do what He says, we WILL know the Truth, and the Truth WILL make us free! He teaches us exactly how to read the Bible - specifically because sin is blinding us to the truth, and the enemy will come at us with his distortions.

Jesus teaches us that the enemy is the father of lies and there is not truth in him, but also that it's our part to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ and be ready to punish ALL disobedience: be ready to get rid of ALL the enemy's lies that we have been believing and that have been keeping us away from living the life more abundantly that Jesus came and gifted us!

In this new video series, let's learn from Jesus about parenting, and in specific the "method" of spanking - what does He say and teach us about it?

God bless you, abundantly!!

✅ Lie #2: Spanking Children is Biblical and Godly | Introduction:

✅ How God Corrects and Disciplines Us:

✅ Why God Doesn't Use Punishment to Correct Us:

✅ God Does Not Chastise Us The Way We Think He Does:

✅ 1 John 1:8-10, The Reality of Sin – by Pastor Gino Geraci:

✅ What's the Difference between Love and People Pleasing? :

✅ What the Prodigal Son Teaches Us about Emotions:

✅ Step 9 and 10 in Processing Our Emotions: How to Tell Someone They've Done Something Wrong:

✅ Step 8 in Processing Our Emotions: How To Decide When To Break Up or Continue A Relationship:

✅ Step 7 in Processing our Emotions: What about Payback? :

✅ Step 6 in Processing Our Emotions: How to Change (Repent):

✅ Step 5 in Processing our Emotions: How to Really Forgive:

✅ Forgiveness is the Basis of Our Relationship with God: The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant:

✅ Why Our Forgiving Others Is Important to God: Forgiving Others:

✅ Step 1 to 4 in Processing Our Emotions: How God Forgives Us – Our Part:

✅ Processing Our Emotions – The Basics: How God Forgives Us – Jesus’s Part:

✅ Processing our Emotions – the Basics: How God Forgives Us:

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