Politics, Propaganda & Press

3 years ago

[Originally Uploaded Onto YouTube On November 20, 2020]

Politics, Propaganda & Press

The press/mainstream media has been lying to us all in order to further their agenda. Malcom X himself spoke on the brainwashing, control and mass manipulation power of the media.

The news will lie in order to protect them and accuse anyone who isn’t for all the divisiveness, chaos, hatred and destruction of being monsters.
In 1984 Yuri Bezmenov explained how our country was under attack; he explains how the danger to our nation isn’t coming from any external forces or attacks. The danger has been forming and festering from within. BLM & ANTIFA are two extreme leftist organizations that despise the United States and have been terrorizing our country, dismantling our society and destroying our nation from within.

Marxists, Socialists, “Democratic Socialists”, self-declared Communists and even Anarchists have taken over positions of influence; people such as educators/teachers, all mainstream media organizations, celebrities and even politicians are the people in positions of power pushing this.

The cultural Marxist project is not just in our schools but in our media and entertainment institutions; their movement, organizations and radical ideologies have poisoned us against the country.

They’ve openly stated it & proudly announce it’s what they’re after; repeatedly calling for dismantling America’s economy and all that makes our western society great.
They declare western culture, capitalism, the nuclear family and the leaders of the free world (The United States of America) as systems of oppression.
They project and deflect and try to be sneaky calling themselves “Anti-Fascists” (ANTIFA); claiming to be tolerant, inclusive, and progressive while actually being intolerant, totalitarian and the epitome of true fascists.
They started the Black Lives Matter movement under the guise of seeking equality and claiming to seek justice for black Americans, against senseless violence & injustice while they viciously attack anyone who doesn’t submit to their will or simply disagrees with them; men, women and children alike — they’ll even go as far as to beating up the elderly.
They riot; looting, burning and physically assaulting anyone that gets in their way.
Meanwhile the media repeatedly reports their acts of domestic terrorism as “Peaceful Protesting”. They’ve gone so far to bend the truth that the worst thats ever been reported was a “FIERY but peaceful protest” while the city burned to the ground and several lives were actually lost on that particular night.
Anyone who is patriotic or knows what both BLM & ANTIFA are truly about and dares to stand up for what’s right — they instantly declare a fascist, Nazi, racist and other repulsively hateful name in the book. Names and titles that in actuality apply to them and only them. Both BLM & ANTIFA are hate groups and domestic terrorists.

In 1984, Yuri Bezmenov warned us about this and said this would happen when the 1960s and 1970s student radicals began to control the educational institutions.
The 4 Stages of taking down a nation from
within are:
1. Demoralization
2. Destabilization
3. Crisis
4. Normalization

They’re not even trying to hide this anymore. Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrice Cullors repeatedly says “We are trained Marxists.” Antifa’s imagery, dogma, public statements — all straight from the Marxist playbook and even the Communist Manifesto.

Is there any doubt this has happened? Our young people are the least patriotic in our nation’s history, and the most ignorant of the cultural, intellectual, and ideological patrimony of which they are heirs.
Our people are constantly being bombarded with Anti-American revolutionary propaganda, particularly of the Marxist variety, growing more and more demoralized.
Patriotism, morals and the American values that once served as the glue that kept our country UNITED are now demonized & fading.
Our country has been in full-blown crisis mode since what happened to George Floyd on May 25, 2020.
Kamala Harris makes it clear that this is to be normalized. That the violence & rioting brought on by these radical movements WILL NOT and SHOULD NOT stop.

Sources and Where to Find Additional Information:

•Full 1984 Yuri Bezmenov Video:


•Yuri Bezmenov: Marxist Idealogical Subversion


•Malcom X on media manipulation:


•Interview With Patrisse Cullours:


The Heritage Foundation video covering BLM and their leftist agenda:


Communist Manifesto: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/

For More Coverage Exposing Hate Groups Such As BLM & ANTIFA Follow:

Andy Ngo on Twitter : https://twitter.com/mrandyngo?s=21

Drew Hernandez: https://twitter.com/livesmattershow?s=21

Tatum Report: https://twitter.com/tatum_report247?s=21

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[ Original Video Uploaded Onto YouTube On November 20th, 2020 — Link: https://youtu.be/P_zkI4mqxnY ]

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