Dr Noack's last video before he died during which he was arrested FULL VIDEO

3 years ago

The doctor (Andreas Noack) was raided and arrested during the making of this video not during the making of the graphene nano razorblades in the COVID-19 "vaccines". He was healthy and (supposedly) died after he was arrested which is one reason many people think he was murdered. The reason may have been something Dr. Noack mentioned in this live stream video at the end of which he was arrested.
The channel where I found this video after hours of searching has a lot of other interesting video's:
🌳 Livestream von Ursprunc - Dr. Andreas Noack 🔥 News in der Beschreibung 🔥 News in the description - YouTube
If the doctor (Noack) was murdered there may have been another reason than the graphene razorblades in the vaccines video since other doctors and people have reported about this subject (graphene in vaccines) as well and where not murdered.
3 Murdered anti vax Presidents:
Several Anti-C19-Vax Presidents Assassinated, Mainstream Media Silent, Covid-19 Jabs “Coincidentally” Rolled Out Just Days Later 🩸Augus 24, 2021 https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/08/24/presidents-assassinated-media-silent-covid-19-jabs-rolled-out-days-later/

Jesuit kills Dr. Andreas Noack from Germany
Akte XY ungelöst: Was ist, wenn Dr. Andreas Noack noch lebt?
Study: COVID-19 Vaccines INCREASE Deaths and Hospitalizations from COVID-19 Based on Analysis of Most-Vaccinated Countries

Did German Chemist Dr. Andreas Noack Die After Direct Energy Weapon Attack? – The Expose
Dr. Noack "had “breathing difficulty” after making the graphene hydroxide video and died not long after" so we cannot rule out he was murdered with 60 Ghz. oxygen depriving scalar weapon attacks. Only a Tesla plasma shield can protect our brain wave and body against scalar weapon attacks (Tesla's Radiant Energy Patent).

QCA nano router modems are in all "COVID-19 vaccines" and look like this: ✠ a Maltese Cross. Biden and Trump are both knights of Malta according to online sources like Adolf Hitler who killed 60 million Europeans in his pursuit of a New Vorld Orda, see the wiki Neuordnung article.
Nano router modem in all COVID-19 vaccines...WTF!
Graphene Oxide in Vaccines Proof Evidence The HighWire 232 THE GREATER THREAT Sep 9 2021

-Dr. Andreas Noack's razor blades may have been found?

I'm working on a version of this original FULL version of this live stream video of Dr. Noack with added English subtitles but don't know if I'll succeed with kapwing.com

Make clear: if you continue vaccinating now you are murderers! ☝🏼 Dr. Noack. Also see Dr.'s Tenpenny Zelenko, Vanden Bossche, Yeadon, McCullough, Hoffe and Professors Cahill Makary and Bhakdi explain
Make clear: if you continue vaccinating now you are murderers! ☝🏼 Dr. Noack. Arrest Bill Gates and Fauci or die idiots!

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