Earth's path January 2022

3 years ago

The Earth - Sun axis is most "fundamental" energy... Earth represents the ground, soil, the roots, the womb from where all manifested life emerges and the Sun is the illumination, the light shown onto that which Earth holds within.... or in other terms, that which we made as "intentions", dreams and wants the "foundation"/ground to build or grow onto....

On 9th of January 2022 Venus (the heart, the "love", the beauty etc.) will conjunct Earth in later Gemini...

On 15th of January 2022 Earth will be at 0 degrees Cancer and with that more concentrating on that which we actually want to "transform into" or "breed out" into the world... but, we need to be "clear" in intention and focus, aligned and discerning, what is "serving the intention" and what next step is needed on this path....

On the 18th of January 2022 there will be the full Moon in early Cancer giving even more emphasis onto it but also the "realization" of own abilities or "possibilities"....

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