The Power Of TOUCH PAD training for Puppies and Adult Dogs Must Watch

3 years ago

Rumble / Dogs & Puppies — We all have that special nook in the house that is ours and no one else’s. It is the place we would like to curl ourselves in a ball in and just lay until the end of time, or at least until our problems or the bad weather pass us by.

Watch this you will be shocked-
Dogs are very much like us in that manner. Our loving pets, too, have a comfortable nest where they love to sit and wait for us to show them some love. We might give them the most comfortable dog beds or even let them sleep on down feathers, but they would still climb on our beds or sleep on the cat bed when we turn our attention to something else. This gentle beast however, found that his secret hideout is none other than his owner’s lap.

This Newfoundalnd dog named Boss is such a loving dog! He loves to give lots of hugs and kisses to his family but we don't think he realizes how big he actually is. He climbs on top of his owner’s lap and gives her a big hug. She returns the hug right back to him. How cute is that! He must give some of the best hugs! You can tell they love each other so much, Boss certainly knows how to make someone smile. Awesome!

Even though Boss is a very big dog, he wouldn't hurt a feather. He cares about everyone and just wants to spread his love with the world. This is so precious. Boss is probably the best cuddle buddy out there! What a great friendship these two have. This video footage is so priceless! This lady will never feel alone due to the endless love and attention of her pet dog.

This video just goes to prove how much our pets rely on us and that there is no limit to their love. As Boss’s owner is sitting on the armchair she is shortly after accompanied by her loving dog.Even if she gets up and switches over to sit in a different place, we are sure that her dog will be right behind her following her to her new sitting location. Only after she gives him a hug and pats him on his back, is he willing to let go of her human and mind his business.

Have you had an honest conversation with your dog about its preferences? We know that dogs are playful precious creatures and we know that most of them can be easily made happy with a treat, a toy or a walk in the park. Even though there are dogs that are so headstrong that nothing in the world can whet their appetite for life. Among many dog breeds there is this gentle and amiable dog breed the Newfoundland that it shows enormous friendliness toward humans.

As the saying goes “Sweetness of temperament is the hallmark of the Newfoundland”. It is easily trained and adores being around people. Perhaps the most famous Newfoundland was Nana, the dog from Peter Pan, who watched over the Darling children. Most owners agree that the characterization the Newfoundland as a natural babysitter who looks out for the well-being of her charges was right on the money.

Have you seen a bigger dog than Boss before? Let us know in the comments!
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