Best Dispensaries in Las Vegas NV - Here's Our Top Picks Based On Prices and Selection

3 years ago

At DabConnection we are all really big fans of Nevada's carts. After bringing both our IL and CA reviewer to NV, all agree Nevada has some of the best THC carts out there at excellent prices.

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Here we go through our picks for the best dispenaries in Las Vegas and they currently are (in no particular order):

Oasis Cannabis Dispensary - Great everyday prices, deals and bonus merch

Planet 13 - Great deals sent by text almost daily

The Dispensary NV (Henderson and Decatur) - Great everyday prices, great deals and some of the best house brands in Nevada (Tumblweed Extracts, Kanji and Kynd)

Special Mention:

Essence Tropicana West - Seems to always have some of the best cart and extract selections in town

Essence Strip - If you are already on the strip, it's decently priced

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