BlazeTV Special - Crimes or Cover-Up? Exposing The World's Most Dangerous Lie

3 years ago

"COVID-19 changed everything. The way we live our lives, how we operate our businesses, how we see each other. And now, the federal government is sinking its tendrils even deeper, threatening the fabric not only of our bodily autonomy, but of the republic. Our American way of life may never be the same. To save it, we must understand the key fundamentals of the pandemic that transfigured our society into the nightmare it is today. What is the COVID-19 origin story? Who are its top players in government and science, pulling the strings? What was their REAL response in the first days of the pandemic? The answers to these questions are frightening. Emails, documents, and federal contracts tell a dark story that is still dominating our lives. It’s time to cast a light on the shocking truth. Because only with the truth can we emerge from the darkness of this “pandemic” and take back the liberty stolen from us. This is Glenn Beck’s most important chalkboard of his life. And the most pivotal time in yours. This special would not have been possible without the careful research of fellow truth seeker and American patriot Charles Rixey. Check out his work for more on Fauci’s Covid coverup and much more."

🎯Life is based on countless experiences. It is never too late to learn, give yourself a chance. To be free you need to learn from a whole objective and not subjective edited truth. The truth will set you free even if facts checkers don't agree.

Social Networks:

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Social Networks Swamp Edition 🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️(They censor and limit freedom of speech. They want people to be disinformed. ):

🎭 (Banned)

🐦 (The account is currently censored by Twittard.)

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