Embrace Legacy Instead Of Chasing Fame | Mastery Order

3 years ago

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Choosing between fame and purpose, celebrity and duty seems to be one of the biggest riddle most of us are facing in a world where selfishness is promoted in a tempting mask through social platforms and media.

Look around you and realize that in our modern times, many men choose the path to “celebrity” and acceptance, not realizing that this path, more often than not, largely involves telling people what they want to hear, playing pretend, wrapping up in a new package what is already approved and selling it back.

When you will find yourself at a crossroad in your life, where you will have to choose between fame and being somebody or doing the right thing, you will then realize that the path of doing the right thing can diverge from the path of success and you will have to make a choice and decide which path you will follow.

When the pressure of this decision will be upon you, what kind of man will you be? When the time comes, which way will you go?

The choice and its effects will be yours to bear!

#success #legacy #fame
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