NO Mask No Mask

2 years ago

Acting Queen of the South speaks. Injustice being done in our courtrooms. Safety is questioned here. The Right to Travel in the USA is our Right, but if we don’t fight to maintain our rights, our rights will be taken. I connect this to healthcare as well. Leaders need to stop what is being put in place. I explain the difference between the sheep vs David the shepherd. I speak of getting saved. Moses came to save his people, and the Mark of the Beast is coming. I speak of tests being done in church as now very risky toward the Mark of the Beast. Jesus got mad about what was being sold outside the worship center. Rightfully so as this is coming to control people. Soon you won’t be able to shop, buy food, or get a job without the Mark of the Beast. You take nothing with you to stand before GOD except all you did wrong if not born again. The blood of Jesus will protect you. I share the event of being selected as this queen. I say what my doubts are, in regards to this. You don’t make it in the Kingdom of GOD unless you come as a child willing to learn. Ask GOD about things.

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