This common sugar substitute can be deadly for dogs.

3 years ago

This common sugar substitute can be deadly for dogs.
You should always be careful what you let your dog eat - for example, a common sugar substitute found in everything from chewing gum to peanut butter can be deadly to man's best friend, according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
This week, the FDA warned pet owners about the dangers of xylitol, a type of sugar alcohol that is sometimes found in sugar-free foods . While the substance is safe for humans, it can be poisonous to dogs. In recent years, the agency has received reports of dogs being poisoned by eating foods containing xylitol.
Many of the poisonings occurred when the dogs ate sugar-free gum, the FDA said. But xylitol can also be found in other foods or consumer products, including sugar-free candy, mint candies, baked goods, sugar-free (or "skinny") ice cream, toothpaste, cough syrup, and some peanut and nut butters.
When dogs eat xylitol, it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and causes a rapid release of insulin, the hormone that helps sugar enter cells. This insulin spike can cause dogs' blood sugar levels to drop to life-threatening levels, a condition known as hypoglycemia, the FDA said. In humans, xylitol is not dangerous because it does not stimulate insulin release.
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