Key Consumer Trends That Will Shape 2022 | Domestic Robots | VR | AR | Metaverse | Algoworks

3 years ago

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Consumer has not any longer remained just the king! Indeed, today’s video will discuss how they have emerged as the epiphany of change. Let's take a look at the key consumer trends that would possibly bring about change in terms of technology adoption in 2022.

1. Rise of domestic robots: Robots are no longer the object of fascination hence, general-purpose domestic robots are all ready to make their stint in the fleet of self-learning devices.

2. VR/AR turning as the senses of the Internet: The upcoming year may adjudge breakthroughs in the industries such as marketing, tourism, and gaming, given the buzz around the notion of immersive experiences.

3. Metaverse: Lastly, the onset of metaverse bears testimony to the above finding that future consumers would yearn for experiencing space through taste, smell & other dimensions too. This may alter the way we harness the service of social media and can virtually engage in non-verbal gestures through metaverse devices.

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