O:JA&L's Hermione Wilds reads "Breaking That Empty Plate in the Sky," a poem by Patricia Cannon.

3 years ago

O:JA&L's Hermione Wilds reads "Breaking That Empty Plate in the Sky," a poem by Patricia Cannon.

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About the writer:
Patricia Cannon has been a Registered Nurse at UCSF since 2001. She has worked in cardiac critical care, neuro intensive care, hemeoncology, school nursing, and currently, in research. In the early days of the pandemic, she was redeployed to the CATCH team which stands for the Covid Assessment, Treatment Coordination Hub. This pilot was launched to help patients get much needed procedures and surgeries. Her passion is her faith, photography, and the written word in all its forms. Her poetry has appeared in several magazines and books.

Image: East of the Sun, West of the Moon illustration by Kay Nielsen (1886-1957). Illustration. No medium specified. No size specified. 1914. Public domain.

Musical score: Quiet by the Mini Vandals via the youtube free audio library.
See details in the description below.

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