Living by Faith is an Experience, Not a Doctrine - Righteousness by Faith (6/13)

3 years ago

God gave Israel at Mt. Sinai a covenant that if Israel obeyed Him, He would make them a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. However, God demonstrated with Israel that when His people fail, He starts over with a remnant. This is a never ending cycle. Righteousness by faith is not a doctrine, it is an experience. Living by faith is the most difficult experience known to the human race. It is impossible for the carnal heart to live by faith. Revelation 1:6 says that God has made us to be a kingdom and priests. In fact, James sent his epistle to the twelve tribes of Israel scattered throughout the nations. This includes everyone who has chosen to live by faith.

God requires a life for a life and the cities of refuge illustrate God's plans for creating judicial equilibrium. The ten commandments are a covenant between God and His people. This is why the two tablets of stone were stored in the Ark of the Covenant. If the Holy Spirit is leading you, God will lead you into an experience of faith and guide you into all truth.

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