Occult Objects in Your Home - Give Demons Legal Grounds

3 years ago

Did you know that occult objects in your home and there is more of them such as Harry Potter books, art, porn, religious relics, statues... that give demons legal grounds to stay in your home!

Books, knickknacks, pictures, games or even television shows may have an occult vortex that gives demons authority in your household, ex-New-Age blogger Steven Bancarz says.

"These objects and books and tools, they are charged with a spiritual frequency that matches the delusion that powers are trying to create in the spiritual realm. By holding on to these things, we are creating a bridge between these supernatural realities, what the Bible calls heavenly places that are ruled by demonic principalities in our life, our home, our soul," Bancarz says in a new video.

They may seem inherently harmless, but Bancarz warns these objects can wreak havoc on your life.

Book examples include subjects about Hindu, esoteric, Gnosticism, transcendentalism, sorcery, magic, mysticism, yoga books or any books that advocate reincarnation, among others.

Bancarz also recommends dumping fictional books that also have these elements, like the Harry Potter series.
-Former New Ager Steven Bancarz -reasonsforjesus.com

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