99942 Apophis "Don't Look Up" Predictive Programming.

2 years ago

13th April 2029. Apophis 99942 is coming. What's with the number? 999 its just a 666 inverted and 42 well that's the last 3.5 years or 1260 days (biblical calendar days of 30 day months) of the beast man Obama 666 reign. Great Tribulation. Movie Angel has fallen shows the scene from Rev 13:5.

Apophis is likely "Wormwood" Trumpet 3 in the book of Revelation chapter 8 the "Wrath of the Lamb" (Jesus) and his 7 judgments on a wicked world of humanity who know not the true and only God.

DONT LOOK UP. Mr UN Leonardo sounding the alarm. Movie: Tagline. Based on possible true events...

The release date for this movie was the 10th January 2021 in the USA.
A warning to the number of his name by people in the know within Hollywood.

6 Years 6 Months 6 Days + 216 Days + 84 Days = April 13th 2029 as Nasa says the asteroid is coming on that day.

This Film is loaded with predictive programming of our current realities wake up and live take heed.

Hey most of the worlds population will be dead (Are destined to Die early) by 2029 anyway because of covid bio weapon injections as they are going after the 500 million population total as stated on the Georgia Guidestones that you should read about at the Vigilant Citizen website.

Great days ahead. Get a KJB bible and the Evidence study Bible as your guide.

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