Sketch Genius Review and Bonuses - Can it Deliver Amazing Videos?

3 years ago

Detailed Review available at:

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This Sketch Genius Review and Bonuses video provides a synopsis of what to expect when you access Sketch Genius and reveals it's value to you.

Sketch Genius is an artificial intelligence backed, sketch and doodle video creator. It creates 3D-like sketches from any image in many different styles.

Watch the review and bonuses video to see the amazing potential of the Sketch Genius AI and 3D sketch/doodle video editor.

This video was made using Sketch Genius to create the background video from images on my hard drive and from the built-in image library. The avatar was created in AvatarBuilder (another Paul Ponna and Sid Diwar product). The 2 were combined using Camtasia 2021).

Detailed Review available at:

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