their god is a scam, the real God has a plan

3 years ago

i never thought i could live without marijuana
couldn't imagine...
-getting outta bed w/out packing a bowl
-not driving to work stoned
-not rolling a blunt @ work
-not lighting that blunt immediately after getting off work
you must visualize before you can complete a project
a huge part of my life/who i thought i was
cluster A personality type...extra endocannibinoids
we are the cannabis plant already
the few people who can admit dependence on weed
addiction is a bad word used by the state/medical profession/sponsors
a lotta people work for the state and "science" and all the other stuff they say they hate
if we don't look, we might die...super important on the freeway
didn't look where i was goin, ended up in a ditch on xmas
don't look where you're goin and you'll end up a socialist
i understand the criticim towards religion (obviously think of yt channel name)
most of em don't work for God, Ephesians 6:12
sometimes His plan correlates, i can't explain why
we dunno if it's a test/punishment/etc
jesus still playing putt putt
all kindza things they could be doin up in Heaven
why would they wanna come back here man
they worship the prince of this world
"conservatives" are communists
go on, you got turn signal on (good driver)
very frustrating to non-commie over here
i'd rather be dealin with an open honest communist than somebody that doesn't even know it
going along w/ materialism/technology/ANY KIND of identity politics...pinko commie
we get a little frustrated

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