Numbers ch 14: cont. Spies sent out, return, and slander. Words spoken out of fear are lies #2020

3 years ago

What is Kares?
Posted by: Gil Student in Chumash Musings, Legacy, Posts Apr 19, 10

R. Sa’adia Gaon, says Abarbanel, holds that the soul that is cut off is the physical body. Kares means dying before your time. I assume that Abarbanel’s source is Emunos Ve-Dei’os and not R. Sa’adia Gaon’s Arabic translation of the Torah. If it is the latter, I could not find anything relevant in R. Yosef Kafach’s retranslation back into Hebrew, but I could have missed it. Regardless, I don’t think Abarbanel read Arabic (see Netanyahu’s Don Isaac Abravanel, p. 268 n. 33). In Emunos Ve-Dei’os (9:9), R. Sa’adia Gaon writes (my translation from R. Yosef Kafach’s Hebrew, p. 282): “His excision from this world causes him to be excised from among the righteous also in the world-to-come because he did not repent. And if God did not excise him, but completed his days in His patience, and he still did not repent, his punishment is even greater and his excision from among the righteous is even more deserved.” It seems to me that R. Sa’adia Gaon believed that kares means that generally, absent Divine mercy, a person will die before his time and, if he fails to repent, will be punished in the afterlife by being removed from righteous souls. I’m not sure how Abarbanel read this passage.

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