3 years ago

Read Along: https://isaiah58ministries.blogspot.com/2022/01/2022-looks-sounds-clean-significance-of.html blog:2022 Looks, Sounds Clean! THE SIGNIFICANCE OF NUMBERS IN SCRIPTURE
2022 just looks and sounds good! THE SIGNIFICANCE OF NUMBERS IN SCRIPTURE What I have gleaned from things God has given me understanding of: 2022 is a separation. Salvation. God separating the sheep from the goats. But deeper Separating your very soul from the indoctrination, hypnotism, programing you have undergone for the last 120 years. Separating the lies filling your souls with life and truth. My last two blogs Series deals with these two scriptures. Unifying the Body of Christ, The Church Has Authority on the Earth. Number Twenty is Expectancy. TWO: This number can mean difference, division or double portion.

Malachi 3:3
He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver. Then the Lord will have men who will bring offerings in righteousness.
Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness. Mankind has rights to live free independent lives. To own land, get married and obey God. We The People obey God by farming the land, multiplying and raising children with the knowledge of God our Father, Savior living within us. Making Mankind more than mere animals because their creator lives in them. Our "CREATOR" Speaking, communicating with us all day long. God, Jesus sharing his love, power and authority with us. God's power and authority over ALL the elements of the earth. God in man helping him take good care of the earth.

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