S1.Ep9 "The Journey Starts Beneath One’s Feet 旅程从脚下开始" Hiking The Bruce Trail

3 years ago

Season 1, Episode 9 : “The Journey Starts Beneath One’s Feet 旅程从脚下开始”
The trek across Ontario continues and this stretch begins at Speyside, one of my favorite spots. The Speyside section is a special place for me – and has “helped me out” on many occasions as I have walked, reflected, planned, recharged and even mourned when needed there over the years.
I completed the Speyside section this time around in March of 2021, while the snow still covered the frozen ground, and it was on this hike that my friend Steve and I decided it was time to hike the entire length of the 900km 550mi Bruce Trail. I thought it would take about 5 years, but after year 1 we made it half way – 450 km, and what a journey it has been. This was our first “official” section completed – 8 km of 920. A modest beginning.
We passed through Limehouse Conservation Area with it's lime kiln ruins, some great crevasses and lots of other areas to explore. A couple of road sections led to Silver Creek Conservation Area where we explored some of the side trails in a big loop including the historic Scottsdale Farm site.
I had never been to the northern sections of Silver Creek Conservation Area, and it didn’t disappoint. It is a beautiful park with Snows Creek, and classic craggy escarpment limestone with some beautiful vistas and cool side trails. It was there I accidentally came across a rare “Jefferson Salamander” while looking for fossils.
Finishing at the northern border of Silver Creek set us up the next 4 days of hiking over May 24th weekend where we covered the entire Caledon section and walked 120 km over 4 days. Those episodes are up next and things get interesting (and fun / funny).
Season One covers the first 450 km of the trail from Niagara to Collingwood and is 19 Episodes – airing weekly, every Tuesday from Nov.9th 2021 to March 15th 2022 on YouTube, Rumble, CloutHub, BitChute and Minds.
Visit SteveWelchOntario.com for more information, links to episodes, and music from the series.
Comments are welcome – Have you hiked this area? Are there other good trails nearby? Do you live in the area and have stories to share? Old escarpment legends or family history? What influence has the Niagara Escarpment and the Bruce Trail had in your life? It would be great to hear as well from those around the world who love to get outside and enjoy and appreciate the beautiful land.
Thanks as always to the many people, past, present and future who work tirelessly to create, maintain and improve our trail systems. And thanks to the landowners who share their beautiful land. It is very much appreciated.
Bruce Trail Reference Guide Maps: 12-13
Total Bruce Trail Map Distance : 25 km
Step Counter Distance Including Side Trails and Doubling Back: 41.5 km
Music from the Episode:
“Fire In The Belly” from the Retro Archives
And “Gladness Ubiquitous” from the album Steve Welch 2019
Intro : “Things Are Happening” and “Alive Healthy and Free” from the album Upland
Outro : “Algorithm” from the album Upland
Individual songs $0.99, Upland Album $9.99 (16 songs)
Help Support Independent Music and Film
Available at : Steve Welch (stevewelchontario.com)
Other Social Media
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/SteveWelchOntario
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/stevewelchontario/

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