A Taste of my Testimony for Jesus: Coming out of the New Age- A really ancient soul trap deception.

3 years ago

Presented by Divine Matrix SOULutions

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Email me at Rachel@DivineMatrixSOULutions.com
or contact me through my website at www.DivineMatrixSOULutions.com

RETURNING BACK TO CHRIST with Special Guest Rachel Milligan (Remastered Editor's Version)
"Become witness to Rachel Milligan's story, a Christmas Day Special Rebroadcast, as she journeys from the New Age and back to the Arms of Christ. Rachel, our special guest on QMR 2.0, is a former Reiki Therapist and Past Life Regressionist, now a Disciple of Christ!" ~Ayala Nunez, Executive Producer and Founder of R3TV
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ayala Nunez is a Registered Nurse, specializing in Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse Recovery, and is a proud Veteran of the United States Air Force (Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield). Ayala is a former New Age Writer and Producer, bringing awareness to his story in how he has journeyed through several spiritual modalities in search of TRUTH. But along that search, he discovered the WORD OF GOD! Ayala has evolved from New Age Influencer to now a humbled investigative journalist on his path to Clarity, Peace, and Christ! Through the instrument of Ayala’s Testimony in sharing his story in how he has walked away from the peak of the New Age Movement, others with similar experiences have also awakened to the Miracle of GOD’S GLORY AND GRACE, as more and more people are touched and inspired by the Miracle of the Holy Spirit to walk away indeed from the New Age Deception. Furthermore, Ayala Nunez is the creator of his Viral Network Blog, called WALK AWAY FROM THE NEW AGE, and is the host of his newly rebranded Christian-influenced Podcast, called Quantum Mindfulness Radio 2.0: The Tiny Desktop Vlog. Additionally, Ayala is the Executive Producer and Founder of REAL REVOLUTION RADIO TV: The Number #1 Source for True Investigative Journalism, Mental Health and Wellness, and Quality (Non-Traditional) Christian Broadcasting On-Demand…
MY DISCLAIMER: This posting is not meant to portray any notion of judgement nor condemnation towards any-one-soul in particular, but rather possesses the sincere intention with humility to share my testimony from what I’ve discovered through GOD’S GRACE, the Revelations blessed upon to me to Truth and Clarity. And this literal Knowing, per say, explains the very foundations of what lies behind the nature of this Earth Realm Reality (2 Corinthians 4:4). As once a former New Age influencer, myself, I have encountered the many ways in how vulnerable seekers of truth can be so easily led astray from the mark to salvation, from such Revelations to the path of that Truth. Thus, the main aim of this broadcast lies upon, not only placing righteous judgement (John 7:24, ESV), but in also exposing the nefarious agenda of the demon and the fallen ones, from amidst its own deceptive hierarchy (Ephesians 5:11). This is all done intentionally for the sake and sincerity of producing more encouraging and Divinely-influenced outcomes under the Guidance and Grace of the Holy Spirit, which can be derived and attributed to the actual act of human parasitic deliverance, in thus freeing ourselves from the principalities of darkness (Ephesians 6:12). From this, such entities and ideologies shall hold no dominion nor authority over the POWER AND GLORY AND GRACE OF THE ALMIGHTY. Only our… GOD (THE MOST HIGH)... holds that proper AUTHORITY! This is done in obedience and in loyalty for the GLORY OF GOD (THE ONE TRUE GOD). In Yahushua’s Name ~Amen

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