Hellbound: Nordoroc, The Gateway to hell

3 years ago

Join Jay Stoehr in his driving route around the country, bringing to light the history that you didn't know about the place you live. Our first stop is in the City of Winder, GA, where we found out about the place that Creek Indians called Nodoroc, or Gateway to Hell.

Please, feel free to let us know interesting stories about your hometown, and we would probably include you on our route. SUBSCRIBE to our channel, IT'S FREE and you will be able to check out our next stop in Winder when Jay and his friends will do some metal detecting and probably find something awesome!

Presented by
Jay Stoehr & Jonna Sandell

Produced by
Jorge Barboza
Jay Stoehr
Luis Varela

These Episode Guests
Susan Ryan
Phillip Chandler
Andrew Jackson Chandler

Truck Services provided by
Super K Express

Music provided by

Illustrations by
Juan Biancardi
Phillip Chandler
Amy Doumy

Graphic Design & Intro Sequence
Roberto Baez

Special Thanks
Barry Chandler
Barrow County Museum
Leanna Akin
Andy Knowles
Tony Knowles
Latin Flavors Steakhouse
Jessica Greene

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