Invigorate Your Feet to Move Forward with Confidence

3 years ago

If you're experiencing foot pain or foot issues, ask yourself: where in my life am I feeling stuck. Often times foot issues are related to feeling stuck in a certain aspect of your life.

When the right foot is affected, emotionally it can be about knowing that you need a change but being unsure how to move forward. When the left foot is affected, it often means that you're feeling stuck in a toxic situation and feel unable to move forward.

The feet are a part of the kidney element and the emotion of fear. As you work these points, you will also be reducing the emotion of fear which will allow you to think logically about your next steps and to take the first step without fear.

Notice what you feel as you're working these areas with your magic wand.

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If you don't have a Magic Wand yet, you can use your fingers or the metal end of a push pen.

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