The Most Encouraging and Challenging Month—Ever

3 years ago

It's been one of the most interesting and challenging months of our thirteen-year ministry. We wrapped up two months of travel, going more than 10,000 miles. I contracted a horrible case of coronavirus. And we hired a new team member. This is our August 2021 update!

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Hello everyone. Rick Thomas here. If you want to learn more about our ministry, please go to RickThomas.Net. It's incredible to think about the team the Lord has brought together and all He's doing through our labor of love in this ministry.

In this update, I will cover four essential things that happened during August and one way you can help us as we continue to reach the world with the practical message of Christ.

One – We wrapped up more than 10,000 miles of travel in six weeks. I spoke in multiple locations in Colorado, plus Ohio and Texas.

Two – As we finished up our Laredo, TX trip, I brought back a horrible case of coronavirus, which knocked me out for two weeks, and I'm continuing to recover. I'll not cover all the gory details since I have talked about it in Ep. 352, titled: Update about Rick's COVID Journey, Healing, and Future Plans. I continue to have a few residual effects, but I'm 95% better and will have a limited work schedule through September, which my doctor says should be all I need.

Three – During my sickness and recovery with COVID, our team stepped up and carried this ministry without a blip. Nobody would have known of my absence or dispensability if I had not told folks that I was sick. I cannot express how delighted I am to know that this ministry can exist without me. It was an unexpected trial that gave us a glimpse into our future.

My unwritten mission statement is to "take the practical message of Christ to every human in the world, which means I must live well beyond the grave because the mission is that large. This past month, I got a glimpse and a boost of encouragement to know our ministry can be multi-generational because I am dispensable.

Fourth – Tied to a forward-looking, future multi-generational ministry, we hired Chad Vorderbruggen, a recent graduate of our Mastermind Program, in August. Earlier this year, we hired Sheron Wallace as my Executive Assistant to relieve some of the burdens from Lucia and me. Now we have Chad, who is serving in another vital role as our Mastermind Student body grows. He has become the fourth team member in our training department, which releases me to focus more on content creation and leadership development.

Five: This brings me to my final point, which are the three most important ways you can help us.

(1) We need your prayers. Specifically, will you pray that God would bring folks to us who want to invest in this ministry? Our budgetary needs grow proportionally with the traffic God brings to our site. There is no way around the reality of what makes a ministry like ours work, humanly speaking; we need investors who appreciate, believe in, and want to help us continue to serve the body of Christ.

(2) If you can support us one-time or recurring, will you do it? Any amount would be tremendous. We need an army of financial partners proportional to the walking wounded who need our help AND those who want our equipping to help those hurting souls.

(3) Will you share our financial needs with your church leaders or a friend who might be able to help? Ideally, if local churches would add us to their missional support, it would greatly assuage our ongoing needs.
Also, I know there are men and women of financial means who could help in ways that most of us can't. We're asking the Lord to identify those generous souls while turning their desire to minister to the body of Christ toward us.

It has been an amazing month, no doubt. It has been painfully hard in some ways but relieving, envisioning, and satisfying in others. Thank you for watching. For those of you who pray for and support this ministry, my deepest heartfelt gratitude to you.

Be blessed.

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