Astrology of 2022, and America's Pluto Return '22-'24

3 years ago

Hey Astrology Lovers!

Julia and Luna here to tell you about the astrology of 2022 and beyond! Keep in touch by following us on IG:

There is some great news for 2022 and that is that Jupiter - the planet of growth and optimism - will be strong in his own sign of Pisces. Throughout next year, we may see an appreciable reduction of hospitalization and deaths in this terrible global catastrophe we have been collectively going through since 2020. Jupiter will spend some time on the fixed star Scheat next year, so those could be times when problems get unduly magnified.

However, the United States' Pluto Return is also happening, and going until early 2024. Pluto transits tend to bring on powerstruggles, so I don't see any governmental control issues letting up soon.

The Pluto Return will also drastically reshape our economy, because Pluto is located in the United States' Second House. We may be heading towards a hyperinflationary recession which may then be followed by a complete transformation of our economy.

The 2022 midterms are taking place during an extremely contentious astrological influence. I don't think there will be the recounts we had last time, but the vibes feel very antagonistic with Mars retrograde AND out of bounds. Also, that November eclipse looks GNARRRRLY.

Yours in astrology,
Julia and Luna

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