Dr. Michael Palmer masterfully explains mechanisms of harm of the COVID vaccines

3 years ago

Below are my notes. They don't add much to what dr. Palmer already explains so masterfully, and were mostly done as a personal homework exercise. I am not a doctor, so what I wrote may be wrong. The most important thing that I understand about the immune system is that it is incredibly complex. Not even the world's best immunologist understands more than a little of the immune system. So healthy humility is a desirable quality.

The lipid nanoparticles with mRNA inside get taken up by the cell. Inside the cell, the mRNA is removed from the lipid nanoparticles. The mRNA orders the cell to make genetically modified spike proteins. Then one of three things happen:

1. Whole spike proteins are presented on the outside of the cell. The immune system will make antibodies which will attach to the spike proteins and cause cell death.
2. Fragments of the spike proteins are also presented on the outside of the cell, in which case T-cells attack the cell and cause programmed cell death.
3. Spike proteins get cleaved off from the cell's surface and are released into the blood stream. This will active blood platelets which will cause clotting. (NB: because so many platelets are used at the same time, there may be too little elsewhere, causing bleedings.)

Not only are the spike proteins toxic, but the lipid nanoparticles are in themselves toxic.

A freedom of information request to the Japanese government on animal trials with the Pfizer vaccine, reveal that the lipid nanoparticles get removed from the blood within hours. They go where you would expect them to go: the liver and spleen. However, they also go where they are very undesirable, such as the adrenal glands and the ovaries. This could cause impaired fertility.

The above also clearly shows that the inoculation does not stay in the shoulder, as we were initially led to believe.

If the vaccine appears rapidly in the blood stream, the cells of the blood vessels will start to make and present spike proteins, which will in turn get attacked by the immune system, causing damage to the blood vessels. Pfizer did not do more research on this risk.

If the vaccine is distributed wisely throughout the body, this will cause widespread inflammation and possibly induce the immune system to attack organs in (auto-immune disease). Pfizer did not do more research on this risk.

German pathologist and researcher dr. Arne Burkhardt, has, in collaboration with colleagues, performed autopsies on 17 people who died within days to months after vaccination. Although these deaths were initially not thought to be vaccine related, microscopic examination of tissue samples show damage caused by the vaccines.

16 out of 17 deaths were deemed likely or highly likely to be caused by the jab. All four major vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen/Johnson&Johnson) were represented among the casualties.

Dr. Palmer shows microscope images how tiny blood vessels get destroyed after vaccination. Present at the 'scene of the crime' are lymphocytes which destroy vaccine 'infected' cells.

Next, he shows images of lung, heart, liver and thyroid gland from healthy, to initial damages to advanced damage caused by the lymphocytes of the immune system attacking the cells. Dr. Burkhardt calls this "lymphocyte amok": the lymphocytes attacking all organ systems, pronouncedly the lungs, heart and liver.

Auto-immune disease are known, e.g. Hashimoto's thyroiditis or Sjögren's disease, but in normal cases they are only specific to one organ. Having these auto-immune attacks in all organs at the same time has never been seen before. Since it is so unique, the vaccines must have caused it. (I'm not sure if systemic auto-immune disease is so rare, but having these severe systemic auto-immune almost immediately after injection, definitely proves that the vaccines caused the disease.)

The blood vessel destruction leads to blood clotting, and is most likely triggered by the vascular endothelial cells expressing spike proteins and then getting attacked by the immune system.

Because the immune system is so busy attacking the host's body, it has very little bandwidth left to fight real invaders. Said different, the immune system is at least temporarily suppressed, which explains many reports of latent infection flaming up again (such as shingles and Epstein-Barr/mononucleosis) and enhanced vulnerability to all kinds of (respiratory) infections.

The cationic lipids (lipid nanoparticles) in which the mRNA molecules are encased (in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines), will cause the cell's mitochondria to be damaged. This in turn will produce highly reactive oxygen species (ROS), which will damage DNA. Damaged DNA causes cancer. Said differently, the lipids used in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase cancer risk. (Pathologist dr. Ryan Cole has shown more mechanisms by which cancer risk may be increased, such as suppression of Toll-like receptors.)

DNA damage has a lifetime dose limit: exceeding this limit leads to death. For example, you cannot give one person more than one bone marrow transplant. The lipid toxicity is cumulative, i.e. it adds up.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) wrote on the Moderna vaccine:

"No carcinogencity studies were submitted [by Moderna to the EMA]. This is scientifically acceptable and in line with relevant guidelines on non-clinical development of vaccine candidates. The components of the vaccine formulation are lipids and natural nucleosides that are not expected to have carcinogenic potential."

Dr. Palmer can show a literature list of many dozens of scientific articles, which show clearly that these cationic lipids have DNA damaging potential, which equates to cancer causing potential. These vaccines have undergone some tests which may be suitable for conventional vaccines, but are totally inadequate for this new technology with high known and unknown plausible risks.

In summary:
* Gene-based vaccines are a bad idea for fundamental reasons
* Autopsies of vaccine victims provide unambiguous evidence of predictable harm due to immune attack on self
* Failure of EMA, FDA and other agencies shows complete regulatory capture. All reports by these agencies on all of the COVID vaccines, makes it clear that no proper safety work has been done. None of the agencies posed any serious and adequate demand on the manufacturers to prove that these products are safe.

The mRNA in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is encapsulated in a non-characteristic lipid envelope. This means it can enter ANY cell, including cell you don't want it to enter. It can even pass the blood-brain barrier and cause inflammation and clotting in the brain.

With a regular infection and live vaccines, subsequent infections and boosters tend to be benign, because the antibodies prevent most virions (viral particles) from entering the cells after the first infection. However, this is not the case with lipid coated genetic vaccines, because antibodies cannot attach to the lipid particles. With booster injections of these vaccines, the prepared immune system will cause quicker and even more damage to the host's own body.

SOURCE: https://rumble.com/vrpzny-mrna-toxicity-with-dr.-michael-palmer.html

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