The joys of owning a cat.

3 years ago

Owning a cat can bring unconditional love and companionship into your life. Having a feline friend can also help relieve stress and improve heart health.
Owning a cat can be an extremely rewarding relationship. A cat has the ability to calm the nervous system and provide an immediate outlet for fun and play. Although cats are independent animals that like to clean and explore on their own terms, they are also very affectionate with their owners and people they trust.
Most cats love to snuggle on your lap at the end of a long day while you watch television or read a book. The simplicity of this act can cause an automatic release of all the right kinds of chemicals into your brain, allowing you to get through the night without the weight of the world on your shoulders. Any cat owner will tell you how much their furry friend helps them relax and unwind. While many people enjoy the company of dogs, a cat may have a more acquired taste - but once acquired, it's a taste that's hard to lose.
Reduce feelings of loneliness. Cats are great companion animals. They offer unconditional love that can equal (or sometimes even exceed) many human friends and confidants.
Want to know how to take better care of your kitty click on the link in the video description:

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