Dr Mel Bruchet & Dr Daniel Nagase on Using Medical Imprisonment to Silence Doctors

3 years ago

SPOILER: It didn't work!

These doctors and many others are speaking out even more as a result of the wrongful imprisonment and detainment of activist Dr. Mel Bruchet.

Dr. Nagase joins us for a third time to update on the release of Dr. Mel Bruchet and what has happened to him because he was bringing international awareness to the excessive stillbirths that have occurred in Vancouver since the Covid shot rollouts.

Dr.Bruchet was wrongfully detained and admitted to a mental ward and injected against his wishes. This tactic is increasingly being used to silence dissenting voices or those who are seeking to have questions answered or speaking out against dangerous practices in medicine.

PLEASE watch and share this story as widely as possible. This is a story that needs to be heard.

Svetlana from Ezra Wellness makes a guest appearance later in the interview. Please check out www.ezrawellness.ca for a true health model for those who no longer wish to support the sick care system.

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Article link referred to in the interview; https://www.nsnews.com/local-news/seniors-drug-use-raises-concerns-3047234

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