9.11 Was Carefully Plotted | Big Gov Scoundrels & Media Fooled the World!

3 years ago

The biggest scandal of all time was the WTC- it was so shocking and so believable that most of us never thought to question or doubt it.
Although, those more in tune with everything politics probably new they were up to no good!

I must admit, I was one half asleep until the craziness began with the big C! I knew in less than a month who the big players were behind it all!
The same evil group who has been slowly destroying our country for centuries!

I beleive more and more are waking up- and I vow to expose every last one of them to my dying day. I owe it to my beloved country, my beautiful family
and all the woderful citizens of the world.

We are in this fight together! It's not only America, they're after.

They will not stop until they kill us all.

I pray you'll start paying closer attention, once you put a few of these hidden pieces of the puzzel together, so many more events will make sense.

Sadly, millions upon millions of good, honest, innocent people have died because of these greedy monsters.

Explosive bombs were strategically placed and detonated within the building via remote control.

Neither of the recording devices from the two planes that hit the World Trade Center were ever recovered; no black boxes!

Please help by liking, sharing, and talking to your loved ones; we must leave this a better, brighter world for future generations.

It's important we defeat evil, once and for all!

God bless!

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God will prevail!


One World Order, Nine Eleven, Government Secrets, 9/11, Nine Eleven Cover Up, Corrupt Government,

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