Vortex 1957

3 years ago

Planetarium Light Show soundtrack (Morrison Planetarium)

Before Laserium, before lava lamps, before Pink Floyd…there was “Vortex” at Morrison Planetarium - the first abstract light show performed in a planetarium environment, using stars, special effects, film projection, and multidirectional sound that used the new medium of magnetic recording tape, piped through 38 speakers. Developed in 1957 by Henry Jacobs, Jordan Belson, and David Talcott, it was brought back five times through 1959 and was even performed at the World Fair in Brussels in 1958. The 1974 update (pictured here) was performed by former Planetarium artist David Porazzo and electronic musician Douglas McKechnie, with audio assistance provided by a young Stephen Hill, whose involvement in space and music would evolve into the long-running “Music from the Hearts of Space” program on public radio.

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