125 Unto You It Is Given To Know (Luke 8:10) 2 of 2

3 years ago

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: Liberals continue to knowingly repeat lies, in this case about President Donald Trump's comments regarding "very fine people on both sides" of the debate over removing confederate statues (not in reference to the white supremacist protest marches in Charlottesville). We also show a video of Senator Al Franken grilling Amy Coney Barrett during Senate confirmation hearings in 2018 where Franken claims that Barrett speaking to an evangelical legal group (Blackstone) affiliated with Alliance Defending Freedom is the equivalent of speaking for Columbian dictator and mass murderer Pol Pot, and that this should disqualify Barrett from serving as Judge.

In our study, we focus on the promise of Scripture found in Luke 8:10. It IS given unto believers to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God but can only be received by faith, hearing the word of God.

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