Beilis Affair: Solzhenitsyn Bridges the Divide - part 2

3 years ago

In this video I look at contemporary sources of the story of Mendel Beilis, from Chabad-Lubevitchers on the Beilis socio-political "left" end of the spectrum to "neo-nazi white supremacists" on the "right". But the "middle", where the truth surely lies, is seemingly only occupied by Jewish voices who are nestled closely to that left end - and only one other figure, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, who has to bridge that huge gap. It seems that over the last three decades of the rise of both Jewish power in America and the rebirth and recovery of Russia it has become very important to elevate Beilis in the pantheon of saintly figures in the faith of Holocaustism, painting him as nearly a victim of gentile blood lust while erasing any possibility of Jewish blood lust involved in that affair. And it is so easy to do, since the only credible opposition has been eliminated as an anti-semite and his critical work simply deleted from any discussion - including his own obituary! A microcosm of the world we now live in.

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