Spider-Man: No Way Home, Sing 2, The King's Man = Box Office Movie Mashup, Flash Fiction

3 years ago

This is a box office movie mashup combing the top 3 movies of this weekend's box office into one premise and storyline, by combining the world of spiderman no way home with the characters of Sing 2, set in the story of The king's man to create a new premise and storyline.

Premise: Mr. Moon and his crew must contend with the aftermath of a global unnatural disaster that has turned their world into many worlds where various time periods can be traveled to.

Storyline: Clay Call is the star of music with many calling him king, Mr. Moon, and his crew desire to use him and his gift to create spells through song, but something goes wrong when they try to persuade him, affecting his magic which literally spells doom for their world. Many worlds open as a result, creating many legs of time where Mr. Moon and his crew can now travel to the early years of many centuries to change their place in time.

In A Box Office Movie Mashup entitled "KING 2 SPIDER."
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